Friday, October 28, 2011

INGER! How Washington REALLY Works

Hi, everyone!

If you are as disgusted as I am with today’s divided government, partisan bickering, gridlock and endless electioneering by economic illiterates, you may appreciate these book-notes on

Most of you know my wondrous wife Inger, who came to America from Norway as a first post-WWII exchange student. But how well do you know her book, INGER! A Modern-Day Viking Discovers America…? Not really? Well, one reviewer calls the book “a dual biography that reads like a novel.” It’s a unique combination of sea story/love story, a chronicle of our times, a travel adventure and an action drama based on our 40 years in Washington.

This last subject area may well be INGER!’s main contribution to public understanding of “the Washington process.” For here are rarely seen personal case histories of the intricate, ever- shifting interplay between officials, lobbyists, the news media and PR forces – which combine to create government action. Or inaction, like NOW! Inger thus joins the author in…

· The grueling process of becoming a Washington reporter, freelance writer, editor -in-chief/ publisher of a major national magazine, head of the Washington office of the legendary PR firm, Carl Byoir & Associates, etc….

· The classic nationwide PR campaign that railroads developed to get Washington help in forcing labor unions to update crippling “featherbedding” work rules.

· An Eisenhower Fellowship-sponsored study of transport policies from Ireland to India and the USSR—which proved decisive in heading off nationalization of US railroads.

· A unique educational drive to increase press know-how of complex economic issues and thereby rebuild the public image of a leading business association (NAM).

· How the chemical industry used ad/PR campaigning to get government to set up a “Superfund” to clean up dangerously contaminating chemical waste dumps.

· The sweeping campaign to warn the nation of the dangers of government budget deficits—led by Treasury Secretary William E. Simon and run from inside government.

INGER! is thus a book for all ages--including students of Journalism, PR, Government/ Political Science and Inger’s own field, Library Science.

As for Inger’s own experiences, it took 11 years, two sons, three schools and many jobs after landing in America before Inger earned her Master’s Degree and went on to serve as a librarian, Washington tour guide and a teacher of Norwegian to US diplomats heading to Norway. A truly contributing US citizen!

INGER!’s insights into America are legion. A key one: She warns of the covert impact on the human spirit by the all-enveloping Media/Entertainment Complex, with its avid promotion of permissiveness, pornography, promiscuity and perversion. She then shares her opposing dream of helping people become “Four-Dimensional Humans” – intensively developed beings possessing knowledge, cultural awareness, spiritual depth and an abiding concern for others.

Foreshadows of future shock conclude the book. Leading the list is the increasing concentration of wealth in the hands of one percent of the population—forcing Americans into a dangerous rich-poor divide. Then come inadequate health-care coverage, runaway college costs, domination of Washington by Big Money, our horrendous budget deficits and pyramiding national debt. And what about Inger’s native land? Formerly poor, now oil-rich, once-peaceful Norway is being swamped by desperate Third World migrants, who do not assimilate, do not get jobs…and then turn to narcotics, prostitution and crime. Inger feels, nevertheless, that mankind is enterprising enough not only to survive such problems but to prevail over them.

WHY ALL THIS NOW? Because the book’s publisher, the Jesse Stuart Foundation, is offering INGER! to our friends as a HAPPY HOLIDAYS present for $12. each. This includes a packaging and shipping charge of $6…so you get a $25. book for $6. Not bad! To order, go to Or write JSF at P.O. Box 669; Ashland, KY 41105 and mention this Publisher’s Special Offer. JSF will also be glad to handle shipping to a list of individual addressees if you wish to order multiple copies of the book and avoid re-mailing them yourself.

Feel free to forward this Email offer on to your friends…and make their Holidays Happy, too!

With many good wishes, (Inger &) Jim Sites